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Oops Interview Questions


Oops interview questions

 Top Oops interview Questions for freshers .

what are the Oops features?






Object orientation programming.
Oops interview Questions .

what is Encapsulation?

 It is process of making fields as private and providing access to those fields with help of public methods i.e. through "Setter and Getters methods" is knowns as Encapsulation.

Need for Encapsulation :





What is Inheritance and its types?

  Inheritance is nothing but acquire the properties of one class into another class.

-->If we want achieve inheritance we need to either "extends and implements keywords".

 What is multiple inheritance?

If one class shares the behavior and structure defined in another multiple class, it is called multiple inheritance. 

What is the difference between overloading and overriding?

Overloading is two or more methods having the same name but different parameters. It is solved during compile-time. Whereas, Overriding is an OOPs concept that allows sub-classes to have a specific implementation of a method already provided by its parent class. It is solved during runtime.

Define protected access modifier.

A protected access modifier is accessible by own class and accessible by derived class but not accessible by the world.

What is compile time polymorphism?

When a polymorphic call is made, and the compiler knows which function is to be called; this is known as compile-time polymorphism. The features like function default arguments, overloading, and templates in C++ support compile-time polymorphism. 

 How can you call a base class method without creating an instance?

It is possible to call the base class without instantiation if it’s a static method and some other subclass has inherited the base class.

What is Abstraction ?

Abstraction is an OOPS concept to construct the structure of the real world objects. During this construction only the general states and behaviors are taken and more specific states and behaviors are left aside for the implementers.

One of the key OOPs interview questions could be to give a real-life example of data abstraction. 

While driving a car, you know that on pressing the accelerator, the speed will increase. However, you do not know precisely how it happens. This is an example of data abstraction as the implementation details are concealed from the driver.

Are there any limitations of inheritance? If yes, then what?

Yes. The limitations of inheritance are:

  1. Increased execution effort and time
  2. Tight coupling of parent and child class
  3. Requires correct implementation
  4. Requires jumping between different classes


Here we gave an idea about top questions for java interview for freshers and to crack any diffcult interview 

for freshers .


Top 10 OOPs Interview Questions in 2023
  • What is OOPs?
  • Difference between Procedural programming and OOPs?
  • Why use OOPs?
  • What are the basic concepts of OOPs?
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • What is Abstraction?
  • What is method overloading?
  • What is method overriding?

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